I was looking for another training saddle and was considering buying a used one. I accidentally came across South Bend Saddle Company while searching for a used saddle on Facebook. I came across a Rocking R saddle but it was already sold so I decided to look up the cost of a new one and found out South Bend Saddle Company bought them out. What luck! I got on their website and decided to open a chat and asked what they had in stock. The one I wanted was not in stock but the person I chatted with said he would find out what the wait time would be. The VP of the company emailed me the very next day to let me know he could get the one I wanted in ten days!
I bought it! GREAT PRICE!
Then when it arrived I rode in it! GREAT SADDLE!
The saddle feels broken in, no squeak and very comfortable! It also looks great! I purchased the two tone, honey colored training saddle, model number 2387.
Thank you South Bend Saddle Company!Pros:Nice looking! Very comfortable! Great price and amazing customer service!
Cons:I didnt realize, until after I received the saddle, that the off billet and cinch strap were nylon. Leather is an upgrade. Its my own fault. Big bold letters, on the description of the saddle, that both are nylon. Lol! Still a phenomenal saddle for the price!