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Advanced Saddle Expert System and Templates: Saddle fitting with gullet angle and width.

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  • Normal/Narrow Angle - 86 deg +/- 3
  • Wide Angle - 90 deg +/- 3
  • Very Wide Angle - 94 deg +/- 3

Selection by Gullet Angle

Select Skirt Type:

Min Skirt Length :   Use minimum and maximum skirt lengths to determine the range of skirt lengths for your saddle.

Max Skirt Length:  

 ? Min Seat Size: Some saddles are in .5 inch increments so if you are looking for a 16 inch saddle use 16 for Min Seat Size and 16.5 for Max Seat Size for a larger variety of saddles.

 ? Max Seat Size:

 ? Select Gullet Width: This is the gullet width of the finished saddle taken by  The gullet measurement of the raw tree would likely be .25" to .5" wider (depending on skirting thickness).  Normally the Regular QH Bar has a 6.5" gullet width and the FQHB has the 7" gullet width.  The Equi-Fit has a 6.75" gullet width.

 ? Select Gullet Angle:

 ? Select Saddle Type:

Select Saddle Type 2:   The Flex Tree selection is for the flexible tree trail/pleasure saddles.  Park and Pleasure saddles have the Ralide tree and the Work and Trail saddles have the Wood tree.