How to position the saddle on your horse: Proper Placement
How to properly place your pad
This section of our website was created by Mr. and Mrs. Hook, Mtn Rider, and Stormie on Daily Equine.

A proper saddle fit begins with a basic understanding if your horse's anatomy.
This is a picture of a horse's skeleton. Notice the shoulder and rib configuration.

This picture shows the shoulder bone or scapula of a horse.

This picture shows a saddle tree, sitting in the correct position on the horses back. Note it is sitting, back behind the shoulder bone so the horse has free movement of his shoulders. It is also sitting level on his back.

This picture shows a saddle placed properly on the horse. Note the position of the scapula bone and the corner of the saddle tree. It doesn't matter the horses conformation, the saddle is always placed behind the shoulder bone.
- Download the templates from the Saddle Shop.
- Transfer the templates onto a piece of cardboard.
- Find the scapula and measure back 2 inches.
- Mark that area on both sides your horse, with a piece of tape or chalk.
- Place the template over your horse from one mark to the other.
- The template that fits best, is the one that touches in all areas.
- To check a saddle, hold template up to the front of your saddle where the conchos are, or use the cut-out piece.
- Call our sales team and give them the template number and they can tell which saddles we have that will fit.
These pictures are copy righted and are the exclusive property of The Saddle Shop,Stormie and Mrs Hook, and can not be reproduced without written permission.